the lives of a hard working husband & a wife in grad school

the lives of a hard working husband & a wife in grad school
the moments that make us laugh & cry
the food that gets rave (& not so rave) reviews

25 September 2010

just a chill day

This morning we got up and just hung around the house a little. We went for a run at the pond and watched a little college football on TV. This afternoon we went out to Barnes & Noble to browse through books about traveling in the local area - particularly for the fall foliage and apples. We're thinking about going to Pennsylvania or Virginia for a day or weekend trip sometime soon to check out the mountains, hike a little, and get some apples and pumpkins or something. The leaves are starting to turn a little up here - mostly on the cherry & maple trees. We both love fall so much - the weather & trees are beautiful. A short little trip in a few weeks will help bring in the season for us. :-)

Tomorrow night we're finally using Carlyle's birthday present that I gave him. I got us tickets for a sight-seeing cruise in DC - and we're going tomorrow night for the "twilight" cruise. I'm sure we'll both have plenty of pictures that I'll post tomorrow.

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