the lives of a hard working husband & a wife in grad school

the lives of a hard working husband & a wife in grad school
the moments that make us laugh & cry
the food that gets rave (& not so rave) reviews

13 September 2010

Baby Shower Petit Fours

I finally finished them! I made them for the hearing & speech faculty at the University of Maryland. One of the audiology faculty, Dr. Tracy Fitzgerald, is expecting a sweet little boy in two weeks!  I don't have a photo of them all assembled before people got to them, but one of the faculty does and will get the photo to me soon. I'll post it when I get it.

I made them in almond cake, Madagascar bourbon vanilla butter cake, and chocolate fudge cake. I iced some of them as baby blocks spelling "Welcome Baby Sam" and topped others with booties and rattles.

Here they are:

and this was what my kitchen looked like after I was all finished! what a mess to clean

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