the lives of a hard working husband & a wife in grad school

the lives of a hard working husband & a wife in grad school
the moments that make us laugh & cry
the food that gets rave (& not so rave) reviews

04 October 2010

Pizza pizza!

I wanted to put a quick post before I go to bed - I have a busy week ahead of me! I have exams in all of my classes this week, and I've been studying all day, but I took a break long enough tonight to make a great dinner for us.

We had homemade pizza with amazing flavor. It's so easy to make pizza and I love topping it with great flavors. I'll have to post more of the recipe later, but here's what I used tonight:

homemade pizza dough
EV Olive Oil on the dough before first baking
about half a can of Hunt's sauce - basil, oregano, and ... garlic?
fresh mozzarella
diced roasted chicken breast
sliced roma tomatoes
chopped kalamata olives (on my half)

sooooo delicious! We'll make a different one on Wednesday night and I'll post it too.

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